Faro Roncudo Percebeiro cabo Roncudo Cabo Roncudo Cruces do Roncudo Porto de Corme Corme nevado, 1956 Vistas Dunas da Barra Litoral Niñóns e porto de Santa Mariña. Vista aérea Praia de Ninóns Ponteceso de noite

Do you know how to read a QR code with your smartphone?

  • Reading a QR code
  • Reading a QR code
  • Reading a QR code
  • Reading a QR code

The two paths included in the "Ponteceso. Os Camiños do Mar", the Camiño da ribeira and the Pondaliana routes, are the first Costa da Morte 2.0 paths. Along both tracks you will find 30 QR codes -15 in each one- to consult at the same moment, and only with the use of a smartphone, images, texts, videos and audios for increasing details of what you are seeing and your whole experience.

What you need to read a QR code is only a smartphone and then enforce any of these options:

  • Download free software (I-nigma, QCode Reader o Neoreader) and scan the QR code with the mobile’s camera.
  • Open the web address on the label and enter the eight-character code you see below.
  • If your phone includes NFC technology, activate it and wave the mobile near the label.
In the map below you'll find the 30 QR situation along the two route and some advises for hikers.


  • GAC 3 Costa da Morte
  • Fondo Europeo de Pesca
  • Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
  • Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar
  • Web municipal Ponteceso
© 2012 Ponteceso. Os Camiños do Mar