Faro Roncudo Percebeiro cabo Roncudo Cabo Roncudo Cruces do Roncudo Porto de Corme Corme nevado, 1956 Vistas Dunas da Barra Litoral Niñóns e porto de Santa Mariña. Vista aérea Praia de Ninóns Ponteceso de noite

Julia Haz Barrientos, mariscadora

Julia Haz Barrientos is the president of the Anllóns River Shellfisheries Association dedicated to the collect of one of the delicacies which takes its name from the estuary´s: the Anllóns cockles. With over two decades of work experience, she tells us how her work is surrounded by a beautiful natural space.

  • GAC 3 Costa da Morte
  • Fondo Europeo de Pesca
  • Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
  • Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar
  • Web municipal Ponteceso
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