The two paths involved in the initiative “Ponteceso. Os Camiños do Mar”, the Camiño da ribeira route and the Pondaliana route, are the first two Costa da Morte 2.0 routes. Along the tracks you will find 30 QR codes to consult at the same moment, and only with a smartphone relevant information for increasing your whole experience.
Along this hiking trail (PR-G 148) you will discover interesting examples of Ponteceso´s natural, cultural and industrial heritage linked to the sea, such as trades and traditions that took place in A Insua Cove, old mines on the Atlantic Ocean side or stories of old sailors and, even more, a famous Galician XVIII century naval officer and explorer, Admiral Mourelle de la Rúa.
This route dedicated to the Ponteceso´s native son bard, Eduardo Pondal, runs through the 14 monoliths that mark significant places in the author´s work. Beside each of these stony guides you will find a QR code to hear a Pondal´s audio poem. Remember! Always go there to the poet looks to keep on the road.