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Admiral Francisco Antonio Mourelle de la Rúa

  • Mourelle de la Rúa biography cover (by Amancio Landín Carrasco)
  • Birth certificate
  • Navigation Path by Alaska Coast
  • Navigation Path by the Pacific Ocean
  • Act of promotion to captain
  • Work record
  • Permission to marry
  • Death Certificate

Admiral Francisco Mourelle de la Rúa was born the 17th July 1750 in the parish of Gondomil (Corme), near where the Pedra da Serpe is located, and where even today you can admire the crest of the family home. It is undoubtedly one of the most illustrious figures of Spanish naval history. He discovered some islands in the South Seas, the Vavao archipelago, and he also explored the coast of Alaska.

José Manuel Ferreiro Chans, president of Asociación de Vecinos Eduardo Pondal de Corme, keeps in his private archive valuable historical documents on the figure of Mourelle de la Rua. Among them, his birth certificate, marriage licenses and death certificates signed in Cadiz in 1820. An intensive research that has led him to the Museo de Indias de Sevilla, the Museo Naval de Madrid and the Museo de la Marina de Viso del Marqués (Ciudad Real) where he got the Admiral promotion minutes to lieutenant and captain or a sheet of services provided. Other sources were the Local Parish Archives and the biography of D. Amancio Landín Carrasco.




  • GAC 3 Costa da Morte
  • Fondo Europeo de Pesca
  • Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
  • Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar
  • Web municipal Ponteceso
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