Ponteceso is the municipal capital of the locality and it and Corme are the largest towns in the territory. It's also the starting point for the two routes included in the tourism-boosting initiative called "Ponteceso. Os Camiños do Mar".
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In 1935, Eduardo Pondal, the poet and bard from the region of Bergantiños, was born in Ponteceso in a stately home on the banks of the River Anllóns. One of his poems speaks of his origins.
Along the River Anllóns's current promenade and running along the last five kilometres of navigable channel, we begin to recall part of the maritime history of these waters.
The place where the River Anllóns meets the Atlantic Ocean is a very productive environment offering a wide variety of food available to the wildlife that inhabits it. It is called the Anllóns Estuary or the A Insua Cove. The hiking route "Camiño da ribeira" reaches this point after crossing the "malecón".