Faro Roncudo Percebeiro cabo Roncudo Cabo Roncudo Cruces do Roncudo Porto de Corme Corme nevado, 1956 Vistas Dunas da Barra Litoral Niñóns e porto de Santa Mariña. Vista aérea Praia de Ninóns Ponteceso de noite

History and People

José Ramón Varela, historian

Corme - José Ramón Varela

The cormelán José Ramón Varela, along with Eliseo Puñal, is the author of "Corme. Historia de su mar, sus gentes y sus barcos" (Corme. History of its sea, its people and its boats) through the pages of which they tell us about "many ships, people and unfortunately too many wrecks." With this book they wanted to fill a gap of five thousand years of history Corme. "Os Camiños do Mar" wanted to add his voice to this initiative.

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Jesús Méndez Torrado, musician

Jesús Méndez Torrado

Jesús Méndez Torrado is the director of the Ponteceso Band. On July 14, 2006 in the village of Froxán (Corme) he leaded a tribute to the 18 band musicians born in this place in the beginning of s. XX, including his father. At some point in this little place came to be more bands than neighbors.

More info
  • GAC 3 Costa da Morte
  • Fondo Europeo de Pesca
  • Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
  • Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar
  • Web municipal Ponteceso
© 2012 Ponteceso. Os Camiños do Mar